Welcome to the path!
Read below for information regarding rail trail rules and amenities.

Be Predictable
- Stay to the right of the path and be aware of your surroundings.
- Watch your children and pets. Cyclists cannot predict a sudden change in direction by a person or pet.
- Stop at all road intersections. Walk your bike in crowded conditions.
Be Courteous
- If passing on a bicycle, give an audible warning using a bell or your voice (“On your left!”)
- Please respect private property.
- Dog owners must keep pets on a leash and pick up their waste.
Be Cautious
- Electric bicycles must use pedal-assist only while on the path, and slow down around foot traffic.
- Bicycle helmets are recommended for all. State law requires age 16 and under to wear a helmet.
Be Responsible
- Only authorized vehicles are allowed.
- Report any suspicious activity or public safety concerns to the Town of Mattapoisett Police Department at 508-758-4141.
- Do not litter.
Parking is limited for now. Please see map below for parking symbols. (Note that bike path parking is NOT allowed on Reservation Road.) Parking is available at the intersection of Depot Street and Railroad Avenue. However, do not park in the section for boat trailers only. Mattapoisett also allows on-street parking where there are no signs that prohibit it. The lots at Brandt Island Road and Old Town Landing have room for only a few cars. If you are coming from the west, our suggestion is to park in Fairhaven and start on the Phoenix Rail Trail. Public parking is available at the end of Arsene Street and near the Stop and Shop plaza.
The map shows two public bathrooms. Portable toilets are also available at Old Town Landing (next to the parking area off Mattapoisett Neck Road) and on Goodspeed Island Road, next to the sewer plant.

We hope you enjoy our village and all it has to offer!
If you would like to donate toward the next section (Phase 2A) of our path, which will help connect all towns along the South Coast, please visit HERE.